First off, I’m using my computer’s built in “blogger” program thing. It’s pretty sweet, I gotta admit. Second, I joined the Army. I’m in the reserves, and I’ll be in ROTC pretty much after my freshman year of college. Oh, and I got a new car! The car’s kinda dirty in the picture, and I’ve since washed it a couple times.
I think it’s a great car for me, and it’ll be great for college.
Anyway, I can’t think of much new besides that.Thanks for reading, and happy trails!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
So. What’s new with me you ask?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Why MORMONISM isn't true!
Yeah, a touchy subject for many people, I know. But I just have to spill out what I've learned.
First off, I don't know why so many people still choose to follow this religion. It seems like children are brainwashed into believing what their parents spoon-feed them.
The Church of Latter Day Saints was created by a man named Joseph Smith Jr. in 1827 after he announced to the town folk of Manchester, New York, that an angel (Moroni) had told him the location of several GOLDEN tablets or plates. Yeah. Supposedly, Moroni told him that they were in his backyard! WOW!
Ok, I'm just gonna give a little background on this Moroni guy. He is said to be the same person as the Book of Mormon "prophet-warrior" named Moroni who was the last to write in these tablets. Wait a second, lemme get this straight, he was a character in the Book of Mormon which had yet to be written, by Joseph Smith Jr.? Fishy... Anyway, Moroni was said to have buried these GOLDEN tablets before he died, but after a battle with two pre-Columbian civilizations. After he died, he was resurrected, became an angel, and was tasked with guarding his very own tablets! Sweet.
Back to the story. As a young man in the 1820's, Joseph Smith Jr. owned at least two "seer stones," which he had earlier employed for treasure seeking before he founded the church. Wait, that makes no sense! The practice of using rocks to find things by magic, YES MAGIC, is called scrying. Although scrying is most commonly practiced using a crystal ball, it can be done with just about anything, so they say. Joseph Smith Jr. was using rocks he placed in his top hat as a young man to find treasure, which drives us to the conclusion that he was using the process of scrying. Ok, now he later describes to us that he used his stones (which he called seer stones in the Book of Mormon (which he wrote)) to translate the GOLDEN tablets INTO the Book of Mormon.
Still following me? He used SCRYING to translate his golden plates which he was led to with the help of an angel named Moroni. Wait, scrying is the process of using magic. Ok, so unless you believe in magic, he made up the Book of Mormon? NOOO, IT CAN'T BE! Oh yes it's true my friends. Unless I'm seriously missing a major point, which I could probably disprove in a few minutes, this is why Mormonism isn't a true religion. It doesn't matter what the Book of Mormon says. Joseph Smith Jr. used seer stones to translate the golden tablets into the Book of Mormon. Now you can't use the Book of Mormon to disprove me, as it is itself a discreditable source.
On another note, Brigham Young, a name you might have heard of, was a polygamist (married more than 1 woman) who led a group of Mormans to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah after Joseph Smith Jr.'s death in 1844. Now tell me this, if Mormons believe in Jesus Christ and God, how could Brigham Young be a man after God's will if he married more than 1 woman? (making a reference to the Lord's Prayer, in which it says "Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven") He founded Salt Lake City, Utah around July 24th, 1847. He was president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1847 until his death on August 29th, 1877 (age 76). Brigham Young University (BYU) was named in his honor.
First off, I don't know why so many people still choose to follow this religion. It seems like children are brainwashed into believing what their parents spoon-feed them.
The Church of Latter Day Saints was created by a man named Joseph Smith Jr. in 1827 after he announced to the town folk of Manchester, New York, that an angel (Moroni) had told him the location of several GOLDEN tablets or plates. Yeah. Supposedly, Moroni told him that they were in his backyard! WOW!
Ok, I'm just gonna give a little background on this Moroni guy. He is said to be the same person as the Book of Mormon "prophet-warrior" named Moroni who was the last to write in these tablets. Wait a second, lemme get this straight, he was a character in the Book of Mormon which had yet to be written, by Joseph Smith Jr.? Fishy... Anyway, Moroni was said to have buried these GOLDEN tablets before he died, but after a battle with two pre-Columbian civilizations. After he died, he was resurrected, became an angel, and was tasked with guarding his very own tablets! Sweet.
Back to the story. As a young man in the 1820's, Joseph Smith Jr. owned at least two "seer stones," which he had earlier employed for treasure seeking before he founded the church. Wait, that makes no sense! The practice of using rocks to find things by magic, YES MAGIC, is called scrying. Although scrying is most commonly practiced using a crystal ball, it can be done with just about anything, so they say. Joseph Smith Jr. was using rocks he placed in his top hat as a young man to find treasure, which drives us to the conclusion that he was using the process of scrying. Ok, now he later describes to us that he used his stones (which he called seer stones in the Book of Mormon (which he wrote)) to translate the GOLDEN tablets INTO the Book of Mormon.
Still following me? He used SCRYING to translate his golden plates which he was led to with the help of an angel named Moroni. Wait, scrying is the process of using magic. Ok, so unless you believe in magic, he made up the Book of Mormon? NOOO, IT CAN'T BE! Oh yes it's true my friends. Unless I'm seriously missing a major point, which I could probably disprove in a few minutes, this is why Mormonism isn't a true religion. It doesn't matter what the Book of Mormon says. Joseph Smith Jr. used seer stones to translate the golden tablets into the Book of Mormon. Now you can't use the Book of Mormon to disprove me, as it is itself a discreditable source.
On another note, Brigham Young, a name you might have heard of, was a polygamist (married more than 1 woman) who led a group of Mormans to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah after Joseph Smith Jr.'s death in 1844. Now tell me this, if Mormons believe in Jesus Christ and God, how could Brigham Young be a man after God's will if he married more than 1 woman? (making a reference to the Lord's Prayer, in which it says "Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven") He founded Salt Lake City, Utah around July 24th, 1847. He was president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1847 until his death on August 29th, 1877 (age 76). Brigham Young University (BYU) was named in his honor.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So, I'm gonna be brief.
I know I haven't been on in a WHILE, so I'm just doing a quick update. My life's been going excellent. I was elected as treasurer of Bigfork High School. Thank you everyone that voted for me, by the way. I plan on going to the Air Force Academy (if I didn't say it already), and I'm working on the application process. Oh, and I learned today that trans fat really is as bad as they say. Haha
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Back from Mexico!
It was amazing. I'll definitely remember it for my whole life. My first stop was in Minneapolis. That night, I went shopping at the Mall of America and got some clothes. That night, we stayed at a hotel in Mpls. The next morning, we left for Mazatlan at about 10 AM (If I remember right). Once we arrived in Mazatlan, I could feel the heat and humidity of the air. We did a buncha stuff in Mazatlan, and I'm not gonna list everything, but will mention some stuff I did.
- Rented a Jet ski on the ocean
- Went for long walks along the beach
- Para-sailed
- Went shopping in the main shopping district, aptly named "The Market"
- Ate a wide variety of Mexican cuisine
- Sun tanned a LOT
- Boogie boarded
Just SOME stuff. And I saw a dead sea lion on the beach, which was pretty cool. My flight home was nice and uneventful, until I got to the Flathead Valley, where it turned very windy. I don't normally get sick on flights, but this flight just tossed my stomach a little more than I would've liked. And no, I didn't puke.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ok, one thing that's been bothering me...
I was doing some research on a question I had on Limewire today, and I must say, everyone else is really giving Limewire too much crap.
Limewire by itself is NOT illegal. It's only a P2P (peer to peer (one computer to another)) program. ALL they do as a company is host files (well, not even that, because it's individual computers from users that do that). They even say on their forums -
"Only the upload in some countries the download of copyrighted material is illegal!"
Only downloading copyrighted material with Limewire is illegal. You should know if the file you are thinking about downloading is illegal or not by if it has a limewire logo next to it. If it doesn't, the file might contain viruses or spyware.
But, just to reinforce what I said before, simply having Limewire is NOT illegal. Using it to download anything that's copyrighted, IS illegal.
Limewire by itself is NOT illegal. It's only a P2P (peer to peer (one computer to another)) program. ALL they do as a company is host files (well, not even that, because it's individual computers from users that do that). They even say on their forums -
"Only the upload in some countries the download of copyrighted material is illegal!"
Only downloading copyrighted material with Limewire is illegal. You should know if the file you are thinking about downloading is illegal or not by if it has a limewire logo next to it. If it doesn't, the file might contain viruses or spyware.
But, just to reinforce what I said before, simply having Limewire is NOT illegal. Using it to download anything that's copyrighted, IS illegal.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Money issues...
Ok, I'll get right down to it. The way I see it, with the economic situation the way it is in America right now, it seems like a never ending chain, or even a "tree with branches". Lemme explain: right now, we pay electric bills to the electric company, right? They might charge more because of this whole recession (oh man, I had this all down perfectly in my mind yesterday, but I forgot it). The people in the electric companies, why would they ever feel the need to charge more? Because THEY need more money.
I'm confusing myself. Anyway, I think that the value of money in the U.S.A is declining. People want more cash to pay for stuff they need to pay for, which makes everyone reap the consequences. Greed, I believe is the ultimate driver here. Everyone knows that the greed on wallstreet pushed us into this mess. If someone at the "top" of the tree (so to speak) would lower their prices on whatever they sell, everyone below them might feel better about things. Lets say that the price of gas over the whole country was lowered by 50 cents. Yeah, I know it's dropping, and that's good. We could pay off our $45,000 debts on our cards in 45 years instead of 50. We might be able to afford that new $10,000 Escalade Hybrid! Haha, j/k, but that's another thing. We keep BUYING MORE AND MORE, with less and less money. We are literally spending money we don't have! This would be a great time to be the ceo of VISA. Back to my old point, if for example, gas prices were lowered even more, we might not feel as much of a crunch buying clothes.
Do I even know what I'm talking about? Who knows...
I welcome comments and opposition. I want to hear what other people know on this topic!
I'm confusing myself. Anyway, I think that the value of money in the U.S.A is declining. People want more cash to pay for stuff they need to pay for, which makes everyone reap the consequences. Greed, I believe is the ultimate driver here. Everyone knows that the greed on wallstreet pushed us into this mess. If someone at the "top" of the tree (so to speak) would lower their prices on whatever they sell, everyone below them might feel better about things. Lets say that the price of gas over the whole country was lowered by 50 cents. Yeah, I know it's dropping, and that's good. We could pay off our $45,000 debts on our cards in 45 years instead of 50. We might be able to afford that new $10,000 Escalade Hybrid! Haha, j/k, but that's another thing. We keep BUYING MORE AND MORE, with less and less money. We are literally spending money we don't have! This would be a great time to be the ceo of VISA. Back to my old point, if for example, gas prices were lowered even more, we might not feel as much of a crunch buying clothes.
Do I even know what I'm talking about? Who knows...
I welcome comments and opposition. I want to hear what other people know on this topic!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Well, my first blog.
Not really my first blog, being that I've (sorta) blogged on myspace, but this is my first REAL blog. As I write this, it's 11:04 PM, and I should be working on my math homework. I've just been getting so bogged down at school lately. I'm taking a trip to Mexico in a month, so that should give me something to look forward to. I've never been to Mexico, so it should be pretty fun anyway. Well, I better get to work. Jeeze. Maybe tomorrow I'll start my griping about the economic situation in America. Yeah, teenagers can think about that too. :D
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